Get Organized With Picture Checklists For Kids - The Trip Clip
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All Picture Lists

Make Any Checklist

  • There are 15 lists with over 1800 pictures to choose from, or upload your own!
  • Drag and drop items onto your list
  • Edit the text to make it just right, including writing in any language!
  • Create, edit, and save as many lists as you want
  • Print your lists, or use them interactively on a mobile device, as magnetic checklists, or as VELCRO lists
  • Once you've purchased any list you can also design and print your own To Do / Done Board

Free Picture Checklists

Below are a few of the most popular picture checklists created using The Trip Clip website that you can try for free right now. Read about all the things you can do with these lists.

Pre-Made Packets

I made PDFs for some To Do / Done Boards and the most popular 20 picture clips for each, and I sell them on Teachers Pay Teachers. These are ready to print and use right away if you have your own hook & loop or magnet materials.

Using Your Lists

You can print your list, use it on a mobile device, or turn it into a magnetic or hook and loop chart. Choose from over 1800 pictures to make a morning routine, a chore chart, or any list you need. Click any picture to learn more.

The Trip Clip® - Morning Routine, Bedtime Routine, After School Checklist, Chore Chart, Picture Grocery List, Mazes, Car Bingo, Travel Activities, & More
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